Have students practice academic concepts while performing a task with
manipulatives like beanbags, balls, racquets, jump ropes, juggling scarves, scoops, and targets.
Create a simple station using a bean bag and a bucket, having students start by standing close to the
monkey see station, and moving further away as they strengthen their skills. What to look for: Stepping and tossing in opposition, hand-eye coordination, focus on the target, and follow through to the target.
For an at home station, Toss a ball or object into a target (like a basketball net) suspended just above the child’s head. Stress focusing on the target and tossing the object up and over the front of the rim. To start, Use a target on the ground as a lead up to over the head.
Create a simple target toss and catch station, tossing the ring over the intended target, as students progress they can move further away from the target for added difficulty. What to look for: Stepping and tossing in opposition, hand-eye coordination, focus on the target, and follow through to the target.