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Brain boosters - sometimes referred to as "brain breaks" - are quick, purposeful movements to energize the brain and “wake it up.” It helps us to process information more efficiently and prepares the brain for learning. Encourage participants to stand while doing brain boosters, we actually learn 7-10% better when standing because we activate BDNF also known as “miracle grow” for our brains. BDNF is stored in the large muscles of our bodies (legs, arms, & bottom). When we sit for any length of time the BDNF becomes deactivated, moving every 15-20 minutes “stirs” it up. Also, when standing we are increasing blood and oxygen flow. Two minutes of purposeful moving increases memory retention and awareness, positively alters our mood and puts the brain in an optimal state for learning.
- Take your right hand and grab your left ear. Keep your right arm close to your body
- Now take your left hand and touch your nose.
- Uncross your arms and move your left hand to your right ear and your right hand to your nose. Your left arm should now be closest to your body.
- Switch back and forth as fast as you can.
- Make an X with your arms out in front of you.
- Bob your right hand up and down.
- Next, wiggle your left hand from side to side. Keep the same beat as your other hand.
- Once you’ve mastered this, try adding your left toe bobbing to the same beat as your right hand.
- Once you’ve mastered this, try to wiggle your left hand at a faster pace than your right hand.
- Point your right thumb toward your chest with your other right fingers curled up. At the same time make an OK sign with your left hand.
- Point your left index finger away from your and at the same time make the OK sign with your right hand.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 ten times as fast a possible.
- Switch hands and repeat steps 2 and 3 ten times as fast as possible.
Take a look at these Brain Booster ideas to use throughout your day!
Brain Boosters for your day!