Dr Jean Moize of Action Based Learning on Parenting GPS with Kari Kling
Parenting GPS: Navigating Your Parenting Journey with Kari Kling. Featuring Dr. Jean Moize of Action Based Learning on "Building Better Brains." Dr Jean Moize, Founder and Master Trainer of Action Based Learning, discusses Building Better Brains, and how movement in the classroom impacts the minds of students.
Repost of Kari Kling's episode from March 1. For more from Kari, please visit her website at www.karikling.com, on the Your America TV channel, or at youramericatv.com online.
More information on Action Based Learning can be found at www.ablacademy.com and at www.abllab.com or you can find us on Social Media at Facebook.com/actionbasedlearning or twitter.com/kidsfit_ABL
The ABL Brainworks Wall Chart is a visual source of how our magnificent brain works. Our recommendation is that the chart is used as a resource for age-appropriate learning about the parts and functions of our brain. Children are very capable of understanding at a young age that our brain and body are connected and must be educated together. Our brain needs to develop as we grow, as does our body!
By Dr Jean Moize
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