26 May, 2021Jacob Hoofman, MS2a and Elizabeth Secord, MDb
action based learning
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How has Covid-19 impacted Education and Classrooms?
This is an excerpt from an article by the National Library of Medicine. To view the entire article, please visit the National Library of Medicine site.
Preliminary data projects educational losses at many levels and verify the increased anxiety and depression associated with the changes, but there are not yet data on long-term outcomes. Guidance from oversight organizations regarding the safety and efficacy of new delivery modalities for education have been quickly forged. It is no surprise that the socioeconomic gaps and gaps for special learners have widened. Although COVID-19 has affected all levels of education reception and delivery, children with special needs have been more profoundly impacted.
Increased anxiety and depression, food insecurity, poor diet
Individuals with ADD/ADHD found the switch to virtual learning more anxiety producing and more challenging than their peers.
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